In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian government has established strict Covid guidelines for gyms and fitness centers. These Covid guidelines prioritize health and safety and are crucial in preventing the spread of COVID-19 among gym-goers. Adhering to these guidelines not only keeps your gym compliant but also shows a strong commitment to the health of your members and the community. Below is a comprehensive look at each measure to help you operate your gym safely.
1. Maintain Physical Distance
One of the primary steps in curbing COVID-19 spread is maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet (about 2 meters). This means reorganizing workout spaces, cardio areas, and free weight sections so that members can comfortably work out while following social distancing rules. You might want to consider signage to remind members about keeping distance, as well as floor markings to guide traffic flow.
2. Face Masks are a Must
Face masks or covers have proven to significantly reduce the risk of airborne transmission. Gym members and staff should wear properly fitted masks covering both the nose and mouth. Remind members to avoid touching the front of their mask while working out and suggest high-quality, breathable masks designed for exercise if they need recommendations. The gym should also provide disposable masks for anyone who may forget theirs.
3. Encourage Frequent Hand Washing and Sanitization
Set up handwashing stations and hand sanitizers throughout the facility, especially at entrances, exits, and near high-touch surfaces. Members should wash their hands for at least 40-60 seconds with soap and use alcohol-based hand sanitizers (at least 20 seconds). This not only keeps hands clean but also builds confidence among members knowing that safety measures are being upheld.
4. Follow Respiratory Etiquette
Encouraging respiratory etiquette is critical in reducing virus transmission in indoor spaces like gyms. Everyone should practice covering their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. This can be done with a tissue, handkerchief, or even by using the elbow to cover the face. Any used tissues should be disposed of immediately in designated trash bins.
5. Self-Monitor Health
Self-monitoring is essential for gym members and staff alike. Remind members to track their health and stay home if they experience any symptoms like fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Display contact information for state and district health helplines to make it easier for individuals to seek advice. You may also want to take temperature checks at the entrance.
6. Use the Aarogya Setu App
For additional safety, encourage all gym members to install and use the Aarogya Setu app. This app helps users stay informed about any potential COVID-19 risks and provides updates about the local pandemic situation. It can serve as an early warning system if someone with COVID-19 has recently visited your area.
How to Download and Use the App:
You can download the App for free from your smartphone’s app store, whether Android or iOS. Make sure to get the official version by checking the App’s description, logo, and reviews. Search for the App by name or use the official links provided by authorities. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also shared the download links via Twitter. Android users can download it from the Play Store, and iOS users from the Apple Store.
7. Keep Communication Clear
A large part of effective COVID-19 management is open and clear communication. Politely remind members to correct mask usage and encourage them to avoid unnecessary conversations in the gym area. Post reminders about etiquette in visible areas, and train your staff to handle situations diplomatically.
8. Comprehensive Disinfection Protocols
To maintain hygiene, frequently clean all surfaces, including doors, equipment, floors, and lockers, using approved disinfectants. Here’s a list of areas to prioritize:
- Entrance and Exits: Disinfect door handles, railings, and any other surfaces people frequently touch.
- Common Areas: Clean areas such as lobbies, bathrooms, and water stations.
- Gym Equipment: All gym equipment (weights, machines, mats) should be disinfected before and after each use.
- Special Footwear Zones: Consider shoe baths and encourage members to bring separate workout shoes to minimize outside contamination.
A schedule for disinfecting high-touch areas should be posted and followed diligently to reassure members of a safe environment.
9. Adjusted Workout Protocols and Equipment Placement
Gym equipment should be arranged to allow for adequate spacing and avoid crowding. Encourage members to limit themselves to 30-45 minutes per session to reduce congestion. Adding flexible hours or staggering appointments can help manage gym traffic. Personal training and group classes can also be restructured to avoid close contact.
10. Implement Shoe Bath for Additional Safety
Shoe baths or shoe covers are a practical way to prevent contaminants from entering the gym area. Members can dip their shoes in a disinfectant solution upon entering. This simple step limits the spread of viruses that may be on the soles of shoes, keeping the workout area even cleaner.
Encouraging Safety Compliance from Members
Encouraging safety compliance can sometimes be challenging, but building a culture of health can help. Here are a few ways to encourage your gym members to adhere to these guidelines while building trust in your gym:
- Regular Email Updates: Send reminders or updates on new policies and encourage members to stay informed.
- Offer Rewards: For those who consistently follow the guidelines, consider small rewards or incentives. It could be a free protein shake or a complimentary training session.
- Educate on Benefits: Hosting a small orientation about the importance of these guidelines not only reinforces compliance but also shows your commitment to their health.
You can even invite members to share feedback by leaving their contact details, which helps you stay in touch with their concerns and ensures they feel valued.
By following these guidelines, gyms can provide a safe workout environment that protects their members’ health and contributes to community wellness. Always prioritize safety, adapt as necessary, and foster a respectful, health-focused atmosphere that gym members can trust.